Tuesday, May 9, 2017

5/9/17 Senior Final Reflection

  •  Please type a final reflection about your experience in Emerging Technology class this semester.  Please include the following in your reflection:
    • What you have learned
    • How you will use this information in the future
    • What other "Emerging" topics would have helped you prepare for the future or even just survive high school
    • Overall course feedback

This semester I learned about the many tools offered online that I could use for future projects. I will use tools like Power point Mix and Prezi for future assignments in college, because they are greats tools that can make presentation more interesting to listen to. I would have like to work with Ipads in class. These are great device that have many tool we could have used in emerging tech. Overall, I enjoyed the course and I found many of the project fun to complete.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

5/4/17 Website Reflection

I enjoyed making my website for this project. Wix was really easy to use, so it didn't take long to make my website. Although, it did take me a little while to figure out how to work the template. Once I figured it out it was very easy to use. I would definitely use this template again if I needed to make another website.

My Favorite Websites

Mary- I loved looking at her website. She made a website on the BVHS Orchestra program, which was very interesting. I enjoyed how organized everything was. Also, she used some pretty funny photos for the site.

Katie B- She made her website about Kay Club, which is a community service club at BVHS. The reason I loved her website so much was because of all of the cool patterns she used. Everything looked so neat and colorful, which made her website eye-catching.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

4/25 Website Selection

I have never made my own website before. I will be using the wix website to build my website. My topic for my website will be on psychology club. I will use the information i gathered from joining the club this year to create a website. My hope by creating this website will draw more people to join the club.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4/18/17 Favorite New Apps

I enjoyed working on this app project. The app i chose was very fun to use and I will definitely be utilizing it more in the future. Also, it was really interesting to learn about my classmate's apps. After listening to the presentations I know I will download a few of the apps talked about.

Name of App
Name of Student
What You Found Interesting
How Will You Use the App
Sleep Cycle
How it can perfectly track my sleep cycle throughout the night.
I will use this app to help me get up in the morning, because the app will wake me up during my light sleep stage.
Quick Trip
Grace E.
I found it interesting how many deals the app offered. Also, it is free!
I will use this app to get coupons for free food and drinks at QT!
How you can get FREE lessons for the many instruments the app offers.
I will use this app to help me learn how to play the guitar.
Map My Run
Grace A.
I found it interesting how the app can not only track your run but can also track your music as you run too!
I will use this app to help me find new routes to run this summer.
I found it interesting how easily a workout can be tracked with the app. Also, the app can help you find a new workout.
I will use the app to research new workouts that I can use this summer.